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Reporting Bullying, Crime or Mental Health Support with WeTip



BE THE SOLUTION If you have any information regarding bullying, crime, or misconduct at your school, report it to WeTip. Scan, Call or Text.  You can remain ANONYMOUS!      


                            Call or Text            844-916-2062  

  • Dedicated Line:, The hotline number specific to FCUSD is 844-916-2062 . The line can be called or texted by students, parents, or staff to make a report to your district.
  • QR Code: By scanning the QR code you will be directed to the Anonymous Reporting forms. 
  • You can also find the Anonymous Reporting forms here -
  • Student Information Video: Linked below is a student-oriented video. The video provides a brief overview of how to submit a report from the perspective of the informant:

  Speak Up Folsom Cordova Unified School District needs your help to keep our students, staff, schools, and community safe.  If you see or hear something that could be a bullying issue, it's important that you speak up and tell someone.  Often, bullying issues can be resolved by talking with teachers or the principal.   Safety and Next Steps Any information submitted using WeTip will go directly to the school site administrator and the Coordinator of Safe Schools, who will investigate and use discretion to keep as much information confidential as possible to ensure the issue is addressed.  Reminder, FCUSD cannot give personal information about other students, including disciplinary actions taken.
  IMPORTANT: If you think this is a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1.   Suicide Hotline
The hotline serves Sacramento County residents 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.  If you're experiencing depression, hopelessness, loneliness, desperation, or considering suicide PLEASE call (916) 368-3111.  They also take calls from third parties who are concerned about a friend or loved one who is suicidal.  They are available to listen and understand, and to offer information and resources as needed.   Direct Acts of Bullying May Include: 

  • Hitting, tripping, shoving, pinching and excessive tickling
  • Verbal threat(s), name calling, racial slurs and insults
  • Taunting, teasing, spreading rumors or intimidation

  Indirect Acts May Be More Difficult to Detect, and May Include: 

  • Rejecting, excluding, or isolating target(s)
  • Humiliating target(s) in front of friends
  • Manipulating friends or relationships
  • Sending hurtful emails or writing notes
  • Developing a website for taunting, ranking, or degrading a target and inviting others to join in posting humiliating notes or messages.